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Dental Upholstery Element

In addition to a plaque, tooth loss can also occur due to the lack of intake of fluoride, which can help your teeth become stronger. "I have never found a case where a single community in Borneo, suffered tooth loss," said Risqa. The study found, is due to the lack of intake of fluorine Dental Upholstery Element. "They drink from rain water, which does not contain fluoride," he explained.On the other hand, tooth loss in children, may also be due to hereditary factors. "A mother who has rotten teeth, that their child may also experience tooth loss," he said. Because the genes carried on the baby, it could be a gene that contains less minerals and calcium and cause calcium deficiency as well children. "Therefore, it is important for pregnant women to consume lots of calcium and minerals."The need for calcium and minerals, continued Risqa, is urgently needed to strengthen tooth enamel. "The need for this, could be satisfied by drinking water containing minerals, adequate nutrition - especially vitamin D, and brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride." Vitamin D is one of the main elements in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
So, try the kids are getting enough vitamin D (from sunlight in the morning) at least 10 mg per day. If these needs are not met, it could be your child will have problems on strengthening the tooth structure, caused by a disturbance in the mineralization of bone and tooth structure. So serajin any child brush his teeth and avoid sugary foods, he would experience tooth loss due to the lack of elements that can strengthen teeth.


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