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Structural Damage Teeth

In structure, consisting of dental crowns, tooth root, and the neck of the teeth are covered by gums. "All parts of the oral cavity, if not properly maintained can easily be attacked by the disease," he explained. The occurrence of tooth loss, continued Risqa, a medicine called Inflammatory Gangraena dental pulp or pulpitis.
Kekeroposan This occurs due to damage to the tooth structure which affects the email (hard coating that protects teeth) and the outermost layer of the tooth, which continues to spread in a layer of dentin and pulp. In general, tooth loss can occur due to several reasons. "Heaps of food and less plaque calcium and mineral intake, can lead to tooth loss. Even in some people, tooth loss can also be caused by heredity, "he said again.Generally, tooth loss are caused by the presence of plaques that had not been cleaned. "Plaque is not cleared from the outer layer of the teeth, it will be a gathering place for microorganisms, wherein the microorganism will release substances that are acidic." Plaques caused by too many foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and foods containing gluten), such as bread, cereals , milk, soda, fruits, cakes, or candy are left on the teeth.
Bacteria that live in the mouth digest these foods, and turn it into acids . Bacteria, acid, food debris and saliva that converges on the plaque, will stick tightly to the teeth. Acid released by the plaque that, over time will erode the delicate lining emails on teeth and cause cavities, called Calvities or Caries. "Kekeroposan caused by acid that destroys the soft tissue (gingiva for example)."
Microorganisms - one Streptococcus Mutant - email tissue is destroyed, besides that these microorganisms also supports changes in plaque that are not cleared, over time can become tartar. "If this condition is left unchecked, then the damage will continue to spread to the dentin and pulp," he explained.
If the damage is on the dentin and pulp, especially when it is the nerve of the tooth causing tooth decay and death of the nerve in the tooth Gangraena or necrosis, "he explained. When the nerve of the tooth dies, the tooth will eventually fall apart bit by bit and cause the teeth to become brittle. "The death of nerve of the tooth, it also means the loss of function of teeth.


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