Dental and Oral Healt
Abnormalities or diseases of the oral cavity and teeth is
one of the 10 most diseases in PHC. Almost about 60% of Indonesia had
experienced problems in the teeth. In 1980, it was found that nearly 90% of
school children have dental or oral cavity disorders. This suggests that the
healthy teeth and oral cavity deserve special attention.
Teeth and Mouth
Oral tissue
In the oral cavity, there are some networks that are divided into two groups,
Network Hardware (upper jaw, lower jaw, and teeth).
Soft tissues (gums, tongue, cheek mucosa, the mucosa of
the lips, tongue mucosa, palate mucosa, and tongue base tissue).
Function Dental
Histologically, teeth and oral tissues derived from mesoderm and ectoderm,
which has three main functions namely, chewing (mastication), beauty
(aesthetics), and speak (phonetic). In the mouth, teeth embedded in the jaw
bone and covered by the gums (gingiva), with a different shape - different
according to function.
Dental Series (incisors)
This tooth is located at the front, and serves to cut food (mastication). There
are 8 in number, with the fourth division in the upper jaw and 4 are in the
lower jaw. Milk incisors begin to grow in infants aged 4-6 months, then
replaced by permanent incisors at the age of 5-6 years on the lower jaw and at
the age of 7-8 years in the maxilla.
Teeth fangs (canines)
Gear position is located at the corner of the mouth, next to the incisors, and
is the longest teeth in the oral cavity. Its function is to tear food. The
numbers are 4, with the division of two in each jaw, one on the left and one on
the right. Baby teeth are canines canines replaced with permanent teeth at the
age of 11-13 years.
Small jaw teeth (premolars)
This tooth number 8, with the division four in each jaw, two on the left and 2
on the right. Teeth are present only in adult teeth, and is located behind the
canines. Growing at the age of 10-11 years and replaces the position of the
milk molars. Together molars, this tooth serves to crush food, and in the
process orthodontie, these teeth are often "sacrificed".
Jaw teeth (molars)
Milk molar teeth as premolars, amounting to 8, then release at the age of 10-11
years and was replaced by the premolars. While the permanent molars grow in behind
the premolars and molars loose milk is replaced by the premolars. The number of
permanent molars is 12, with the division of 6 in each jaw, three on each side
of the right and left. Permanent molar is the most frequent cause cavities and
Teeth Growth Process
In its growth, the teeth had two phases of the turn. Starting from a complete
milk dentition at age 3 years by the number of 20 teeth, then replaced with a
phase of permanent teeth begins at age 13 years or older. Permanent dentition is
to be complete after the number of teeth to 32 teeth, around age 17-21 years.
Phase between the initial phase of permanent tooth until the permanent tooth
that complete dentist called mixed phase, ie between the ages of 13-17 years.
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